
Our specialists:

Lek. dent. Anna Paradowska-Stolarz

Lek. dent. Anna Paradowska-Stolarz


Lek. dent. Patrycja Markulak


Orthodontics WroclawOrthodontics is a wide field of dentistry that allows you to restore the harmony of a smile with the use of fixed and removable braces. In recent years, orthodontics has developed significantly to improve the patient’s treatment comfort. Fixed appliances with aesthetic brackets (in the same color as the tooth) or transparent removable appliances (Invisalign, Clear aligner) are a perfect solution for discerning people who care about aesthetics. It should be remembered that modern orthodontics is for everyone, regardless of age. In difficult cases, a specialist orthodontist cooperates with a dental surgeon and periodontist, performing procedures supporting and accelerating orthodontic treatment. At the SALVUS IDC Wrocław Dental Center, we offer our patients corticotomy treatments, orthodontic mini-implants, and gum thickening treatments before orthodontic treatment to reduce the risk of gingival recessions in patients with a thin type of gingiva.

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      Price list


      Orthodontic consultation
      250 zł
      Preparation of diagnostic models
      Collection of documentation and preparation of a treatment plan, preparation of diagnostic models
      400 PLN
      Fixed metal braces (1 arch)
      2700 PLN
      Aesthetic fixed braces (1 arch)
      3200 - 3700 PLN
      Control visit with fixed braces
      290 PLN
      Disassembling the camera (1 arch+ retention plate)
      1050 PLN
      Retention plate
      400 PLN
      Removable camera
      1200 - 1500 PLN
      Control visit with Removable camera
      150 PLN
      Invisalign and Other appliances are priced during a consultation visit